Guild Hall’s 84th Artist Members Exhibition

Jessamyn Go's Temporal Reflection, 2023. Ceramic. 17 x 20 x 20 inches. At Guild Hall's 84th Artist Members Exhibition. Photo: Rossa Cole
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The Artist Members Exhibition began in 1938, and Guild Hall continues this long-standing democratic tradition by hosting the oldest non-juried museum exhibition on Long Island. This lively presentation features more than three hundred works and showcases a variety of mediums. As in the traditional salon exhibition, works by established artists are shown alongside those of emerging talents and first-time exhibitors, offering a sampling of artistic practices within our community. Early participants included James Brooks, Willem de Kooning, Lee Krasner, Alfonso Ossorio, Charlotte Park, Jackson Pollock, and many more.

This initiative provides an opportunity for audiences to support and celebrate the artists who live and work in our immediate region and for artists to sell their works. In turn, artists show their commitment to and support of Guild Hall. Click HERE to shop the show.

Guild Hall invites nationally and internationally recognized art professionals to select the Top Honors Award and Honorable Mentions. The recipient of the Top Honors Award is given a future solo exhibition at Guild Hall. Virginia Lebermann, Ballroom Marfa cofounder and board president and East End resident, served as this year’s juror.

Claire Watson, Bye Gone

Michael Butler, The Pepperidge Tree
Philippe Cheng, Untitled
Isla Hansen, Hand Tools (or Tools for No Masters)
Mary Margaret Lambert, Revenant
Chris Siefert, Rib

Robert Longo, Untitled (After Cave Painting in Lascaux)

Mary Boochever: Chart of the Inner Warp is on view in the Marks Family Gallery North–Tito Spiga Exhibition Space. Mary Boochever is the 81st Artist Members Exhibition Top Honors Award recipient.

The exhibitions are organized by director of visual arts Melanie Crader with registrar and exhibition coordinator.

Friday to Monday, 12-5 PM
Museum Admission is Free

A series of Lunch Break discussions and Creative Labs will be presented throughout the run of the exhibitions, featuring topics inspired by the works on view and the participating artists.

Louise & Howie’s Coffee Bar featuring Tutto Caffè is open in the lobby during gallery hours. Refreshments are not allowed in the galleries but may be enjoyed in the lobby and in our gardens.

Regarding the purchase of artwork from the 84th Artist Members Exhibition:

  • All sales are final. No returns/refunds. The purchase of artwork in not tax-deductible.
  • Guild Hall will soft-pack works for pick-up.
  • All sold work will be available for pick up after the exhibition closes on January 8, 2023.
  • Purchasers of artwork must pick up work from Guild Hall (158 Main Street, East Hampton). Purchased works cannot be mailed or delivered.
  • Dates available for pick up of work sold will be as follows:
    • Thursday, January 11, 2024 from 10 AM to 4 PM
    • Friday, January 12, 2024 from 10 AM to 4 PM
    • Saturday, January 13, 2024 from 10 AM to 4 PM

2023 AME Participating Artists

Marissa R. Abendano

Sandra Feinberg

Susan Malfa

Ty Stroudsburg

Pamela M. Abrahams

Patricia Feiwel

Barbara Malmet

Georgia Suter

Deborah Acquino

Steve Filler

Lynn Martell

Nicolas Tarr

Eugene Adamowicz

Janet Fink

Patricia Maurides

Kevin Teare

Beryl T. Adler

Eric Fischl

Rima Mardoyan

Lieve Thiers

Mary Ahern

Michael Fitzgerald

Sheila McInerney

Jon J. Tierney

Sarah Aibel

Celia Frank

Mike McLaughlin

Aurelio Torres

Bobby Alan

Mark Friedberg

John Melillo

Carlos Torres Machado

Racqurine Alford

Denise Gale

Veronica L. Mezzina

Helen Towey

David Almeida

Gail Gallagher

Monique Millane

Maureen T. Travers

Laurie Anderson

Mr. H. Gallagher

Lisa Miller

Dominique Treboux

Sheril Antonio

Renee Gallanti

Steven B. Miller

Mary Twomey

Ricardo Arango

Marietta Gavaris

Linda Miller

Sharon van Liempt-Brown

Karen Aronson

Elizabeth Geissler

Katherine Milliken

Mary Jane van Zeijts

Russell Asnes

Salvatore Gentile

Desi Minchillo

Rodney P. VenJohn

Jeanine M. Aufiero

Andrew Gershon

James Minet

Karl A. Vermandois

Catherine A. Bachman

Mahbobe Ghods

Lally K. Mockler

Pamela A. Vossen

Monica Banks

Robin Gianis

Joanlee Montefusco

Adele Wallach

Patricia Bany

Ralph Gibson

Wendy Nadler

Claire Watson

Claudia Bedell

Gerard A. Giliberti

Steven Nedboy

Irwin Weinbaum

Whitney Bell

Nina D. Gillman

Carla Nelson

Dan Welden

Kirsten Benfield

Carol Glassman

Thomas Nimmo

Francine D. Whitney

Julia Beynenson

Jessamyn Go

Carl Norr

Deborah Quintal Wick

Barbara Bilotta

Camille Goldner

Kathryn Odell-Hamilton

Robert W. Wilson

Nadia Block

Bryan Greene

Kryn D. Olson

Lucy Winton

Rosalind Brenner

Justin M. Greenwald

Charlene Ortiz

Judith Wit

Stephanie Breslow

Susan G. Guasp

Maureen Palmieri

John W. Wittenberg

Nancy G. Brody

Melinda Hackett

Joyce Parcher

Siu Wong-Camac

Lorinda Bryan

Patricia Hadley

Elizabeth Paris

Amy Worth

Karen Bryce

Laurie Hall

Allen Parsons

Lucinda E. Morrisey

Ayse S. Budak

Laura Halloran

Linda Pasca

Barbara Wyckoff Siris

Kathy Buist

Jerelyn M. Hanrahan

Ellen Paul

Evan Yee

Perry L. Burns

Riin Hansalu

Cynthia Pease Roe

Gus Yero

Michael Butler

Isla T. Hansen

Mark Perry

Charles W. Yoder

Christopher Butler

Allison Harrell Mistier

Goran Petmil

David Yohay

Loretta Campbell

Dena Harris

Lyla Petroske

Cindy Zaglin

Molly Cangiolosi

Victoria Hartman

Daniel Pietrzak

Mustafa Zahir

John Capello

Michael Hastalis

Leila Pinto

Michael Zaidel

Linda Capello

Diane Hatton White

Christopher G. Poli

Almond Zigmund

Michael Cardacino

Lori Hawkins

Gail Postal


Ian Carson

Michael Henkel

Gerda Quoohs


Philippe Cheng

Michael Hennessey

Ava Rado Harte


Gary Chiappa

William C. Heppenheimer

Lawrence H. Randolph


Roger Chudzik

Brianna L. Hernández

Cornelia Randolph


Marilyn Church

Arline Hershberg

Ronald Reed


Amanda Church

Laura Hexner

Susan Retzky


Michele Cohen

Eileen Hickey

Linda Reville Eisenberg


Mally Colbath

Sharon Hopek

Ryder Ritz


DJ Collins

Heather Horowitz

Ann P. Roberts


Carolyn Conrad

Erica-Lynn Huberty

Janet Rojas


Sue Contessa

Ernest Hutton

Gregg Rosen


Nicole Corbett

Eva Iacono

Carol Ross


Elizabeth Cordova Alata

Carol Ientile

Susan Rostan


Richard L. Corey

Sheryl Intrator

Daniel Runfola


Steven Corsano

Kenneth Jackson

Isabella Rupp


Edward Cortes

Ruby Jackson

Will Ryan


Donna Corvi

Sarah Jaffe Turnbull

Areej Saleh


Paula C. Crawford

Mick Johnson & Isabelle Barrymore

Pamela Dalton Salisbury


Jody Cukier

Christie Jones

Marian Saltzman


Kathryn A. Cunningham

Daniel Jones

Irene Sankari


Rosemary D’Elia

Stephanie Joyce

Miriam Sapiro


Michele D’Ermo

Erik Kahn

Matthew Satz


Regina D’Orazio

Patsy Kahn

Dainis Saulitis


Renee Dahl

Jane E. Kastan

Min-Myn J. Schaffner


Emma Dahl

Miriam Kazdin

Val Schaffner


Rameshwar Das

Christopher Kelly

Bastienne Schmidt


Gráinne de Buitléar

Flo Kemp

Walter Schwab


Pipi Deer

Victoria Kennaugh

Roseann Schwab


James DeMartis

Ellen Kingston

Robert S. Schwarz


Zoe Denahy

Karen L. L. Kirshner

Carl Scorza


Jeremy Dennis

Dorothy Kopelman

Rosa H. Scott


Laurie Densen

Therez Kotula

Anne E. Seelbach


Bernadette DeNyse Russell

Joyce Kubat

Alison Seiffer


Lisa di Liberto

Mary Martha Lambert

Neva B. Setlow


Cynthia DiGiacomo

Antoinette Lanza

Kerry Sharkey-Miller


Marie DiLeonardo

Kevin G. Larkin

Andrea Sher


Rosalind Dimon

Richard Law

Chris Siefert


Sara DiOrazio

Teresa Lawler

Barbara Siegel


Lisa Donneson

Lutha Leahy-Miller

George Singer


Miriam Dougenis

Jacqueline Leak

Linda Sirow


William M. Dougherty

Jacques LeBlanc

David Slater


Bruce Dow

Joel Lefkowitz

James Slezak


Michael Drakopoulos

Emily Liss

Julie Small-Gamby


Robin Du Plessis

Marie Lombardi

Adam Smith


A.G. Duggan

Michael K. Longacre

Dennis Snyder


Lynn Duryea

Robert Longo

Frank Sofo


Lee A. Earle

Setha Low

Julie Spain


Paul J. Edelson

Edwina E. Lucas

Burt Spiegel


Leslie Edwards

Steven A. Ludsin

Louis Spitalnick


Quincy Egginton

Jefferey Macintyre

Janice Stanton


Jana T. Eshaghian

Kenna Mackay

Joanna Steidle


Roberta Estes

Jean Mahoney

Lisa Steiner


Bernice K. Faegenburg

Christa Maiwald

Laura Stroh

  • Virginia Lebermann

    Virginia Lebermann is the Ballroom Marfa Co-Founder & President of the Board. She received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Middlebury College and attended the New York University Master of Fine Arts program in creative writing. Virginia is a principal of T.C. Oil Co. and O’Connor Investments and also oversees Wexford Cattle Company and Wexford Publishing, all based in Victoria, Texas. Virginia was also the managing partner of the Marfa-based Thunderbird Hotel. Her extensive involvement with not-for-profit organizations includes board or council positions with the Chinati Foundation, Marfa, TX; Dia Art Foundation, New York, NY; Harry Ransom Center, Austin, TX; National Public Radio Foundation, Washington, D.C.; Texas Nature Conservancy, Austin, TX; River Pierce Foundation, San Ygnacio, Texas; University of Texas Press, Austin, TX; University of Texas McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis, Texas; and the Charles Moore Foundation, Austin, TX. Ms. Lebermann received the inaugural ArtTable Future Women Leadership Award in April 2005 in recognition of her leadership in the contemporary arts. Virginia lives in Marfa and Bridgehampton, New York.


The Artist Members Exhibition is supported, in part, by the Giuppy Nantista Fund and the Helen Hoie Fund.

Museum programs are supported by Crozier Fine Arts and funding from The Michael Lynne Museum Endowment and The Melville Straus Family Endowment.

Free gallery admission is sponsored, in part, by Landscape Details.

Additional support by Bedell Cellars.


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