Holland Andrews & Shayne Case

Holland Andrews (they/them) is an American vocalist, composer, and performance artist whose work focuses on the abstraction of operatic and extended-technique voice to build soundscapes encompassing both catharsis and dissonance. Frequently highlighting themes surrounding vulnerability and healing, Andrews arranges music for voice, clarinet, and electronics. Andrews harnesses these instruments’ innate qualities of power and elegance to serve as a cohesive vessel for these themes. As a vocalist, their influences stem from a dynamic range including contemporary opera, theater, and jazz, while also cultivating their own unique vocal style which integrates these influences with language disintegration and vocal distortion. Andrews previously performed solo music under the stage name Like a Villain.

In addition to creating solo work, Andrews develops and performs soundscapes for dance, theater, and film, and their work is still toured nationally and internationally with artists such as Bill T. Jones, Dorothee Munyaneza, Will Rawls, and poet Demian Dinéyazhi. Notable musical collaborations have been with composers and artists such as Son Lux, Christina Vantzou, William Brittelle, Peter Broderick, and is one of the first artist on releasing on the label Leiter, a Berlin-based record label spearheaded by composer, Nils Frahm. Andrews has gained recognition from publications such as The Wire, The New York Times, Electronic Sound, Uncut Magazine, Le Monde, and BBC Radio. Holland Andrews is currently based in Brooklyn, New York. In addition to creating solo work, Andrews develops and performs the soundscapes for dance, theater, and film, and whose work is still toured nationally and internationally. Andrews has gained recognition from publications such as The Wire, The New York Times, Uncut Magazine, BBC Radio, and more. Holland Andrews is currently based in New York City.

Shayne Case (she/they) was born in Germany to a German-American mother and a Miniconjou Lakota father, and is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. She spent her childhood between the forests of Germany and the prairies of South Dakota, learning directly from the plants and elders. Shayne has undergraduate degrees in education, child study, and English literature from Smith College. She has done graduate work in spirituality and consciousness studies, professional counseling with a focus in somatics, applied theology, and divinity studies. Shayne is a writer and a medicine person who has worked in her private practice for over 20 years. Additionally, she founded Under the Eagle’s Wing Mentorship Program (which guides emergent healers) and the Tokeyamaniwin Project (which works directly with Indigenous youth and traditional plant medicine.)