GHTAC Member, Emily Ryan wearing her own design. Photo: Joe Brondo for Guild Hall
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Join us for the Second Annual Guild Hall Teen Arts Council Fashion Show!

Led by guest artist, Amanda Cappabianca, the Guild Hall Teen Arts Council (GHTAC) has designed and curated a line of repurposed fashion appropriate for any summer night in the Hamptons – from galas to a beach day. The evening will begin with a runway show hosted by members of the Teen Arts Council where each GHTAC member will walk the runway in their very own design and will conclude with a reception in Guild Hall’s Furman Garden. 

Note: Advance registration is encouraged but not required.


The Guild Hall Teen Arts Council (GHTAC) is the region’s first paid teen arts program. As employees of Guild Hall, GHTAC members work to curate public programming, advance their creativity, increase Guild Hall’s outreach to local teens, and learn through collaboration with Guild Hall staff.
Click HERE for more info.


The Guild Hall Teen Arts Council is sponsored by the Meringoff Family Foundation.

Guild Hall’s Learning + New Works programs are made possible through The Patti Kenner Arts Education Fellowship, Vital Projects Fund, the Glickberg/Abrahams S. Kutler Foundation, the Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Endowment Fund, and The Melville Straus Family Endowment. 

Additional support provided by Friends of Learning + New Works: Julie Raynor Gross, and Stephanie Joyce and Jim Vos

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