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$15.00 per family ($10.00 Members)
Recommended for ages 4 – 7 + Parents/Guardians.

Join us for a forty-five-minute, interactive family tour in the Guild Hall galleries. Learn about art together through lively discussion, storytelling, and hands-on activities.

Family Tours + Workshops focus on the exhibitions on view. Please enter Guild Hall through the Boots Lamb Education Center facing Pondview Lane.


Guild Hall’s Learning + New Works programs are made possible through The Patti Kenner Arts Education Fellowship, Vital Projects Fund, the Glickberg/Abrahams S. Kutler Foundation, the Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Endowment Fund, and The Melville Straus Family Endowment. 

Additional support provided by Friends of Learning + New Works: Julie Raynor Gross, and Stephanie Joyce and Jim Vos

Free Gallery admission is sponsored, in part, by Landscape Details.

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