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A celebration of cultural diversity at Guild Hall! Join us for a fun, family-oriented afternoon of creative activities centered on the exchange of traditions, ideas, and stories to further advance inclusion, foster respect, and ignite interaction within our community. The day features collaborative workshops led by local visual and performing artists. This year, Golden Eagle Art Supply will offer two free art workshops inspired by our fall museum exhibitions. You can also enjoy the free empanada truck, bilingual gallery tour, family scavenger hunt, lobby project hosted by the Teen Arts Council, theater performances, and more!

1pm – 3:30pm: Free Empanada Truck
1pm – 3:30pm: Lobby Community Art Project led by the Guild Hall Teen Arts Council
1pm – 3:30pm: Guild Hall Family Scavenger Hunt
1:30pm – 2:30pm: Performances in the theater by local groups including the East Hampton High School and Middle School Dance Teams, East Hampton High School bilingual student films, The Jaime Ruiz Salsa Dancers, and Our Fabulous Variety Show.
2pm – 3:30pm: Art Workshops in partnership with the Golden Eagle in the Green Room and Boots Lamb Education Center
2:45pm: Bilingual Gallery Talk with Esperanza Leon and Casey Dalene