Fall Adult Painting Workshop at Guild Hall – Color: Inspired by Ellsworth Kelly with Barbara Thomas

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Fall Painting Workshop at Guild Hall: Color: Inspired by Ellsworth Kelly with Barbara Thomas

Mondays, October 1-November 5

New and experienced painters and artists: this workshop will study the work of Ellsworth Kelly in the Guild Hall galleries, and explore color theory and practice in a variety of artistic processes

October 1: 11-1:30 Tour Ellsworth Kelly in the Hamptons and sketch from works in the gallery

October 15-November 5: 10-12:30 Work in the Guild Hall studio on aspects of color theory and practice

This will be a stimulating workshop which will produce unique results for your portfolio and future practice.



October 1, 11am-1:30pm, in Galleries

October 15, 10am-12:30pm

October 22, 10am-12:30pm

October 29, 10am-12:30pm

November 5, 10am-12:30pm